Family Dealing with Mesothelioma Diagnosis For decades, companies and manufacturers exposed hardworking people of Illinois to asbestos, the mineral of death. These corporations knew that asbestos exposure caused serious health problems like mesothelioma. But they choose to put profits before people instead.

The only known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. This cancer has a latency period of 20 to 60 years. Decades later, victims are now diagnosed with this aggressive type of cancer after their initial exposure. Today, thousands of these workers and their families are pursuing mesothelioma compensation In Illinois.

At Shannon Law Group, our mesothelioma attorneys help these families recover financially and emotionally by getting them the compensation they need to move forward with their lives. If you or your loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, know that there are court systems and trust funds available to help your family get through this difficult time. Contact us today at (312) 578-9501 for a free consultation.

Keep reading this article to learn more about:

  • The types of financial mesothelioma compensation available for family members and patients
  • What you can expect during an Illinois mesothelioma lawsuit
  • How long do you have to file a mesothelioma lawsuit in the Land of Lincoln


Mesothelioma Compensation for Family Members and Victims

Mesothelioma Compensation for Family Members and VictimsWhen someone is diagnosed with mesothelioma, their world changes forever. On average, the survivability rate of mesothelioma patients is five years. According to the American Cancer Society, about 30 percent of people diagnosed with this cancer will be alive in 5 years. These people are often robbed of their retirement, unable to enjoy their remaining years surrounded by loved ones and good friends.

While we can’t undo the harm that was done, our attorneys at Shannon Law Group can help secure financial compensation for a mesothelioma diagnosis. You have the right to pursue compensation and hold the responsible parties accountable. (We discuss how this process works in the next section, “Illinois Mesothelioma Lawsuit Timeline: What to Expect.”)

Mesothelioma lawsuits often compensate patients and their family members for any and all damages they’ve sustained due to the negligence of corporations that manufactured, sold, or used asbestos-containing products. According to Illinois law, damages are a remedy in the form of monetary awards to be paid to the plaintiff as compensation for loss or injury like mesothelioma.

Below are types of mesothelioma compensation you may be entitled to: 

  • Past and future medical bills
  • Lost income
  • Loss of spousal support and companionship
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Loss of consortium
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical impairment or disfigurement.
  • End of life expenses
  • Punitive damages

Asbestos compensation amounts vary from case to case. There are two types of damages awarded to mesothelioma victims and their families: economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are easy to measure, while non-economic damages are not. Economic damages may include medical bills, end-of-life expenses, or loss of earning capacity.

On the other hand, non-economic damages may entail the loss of spousal support and companionship or pain and suffering. How much compensation does a spouse deserve after losing their partner of 40 years to mesothelioma? How much did their partner suffer needlessly before they succumbed to cancer? How much suffering did the spouse experience while taking care of their partner for the past two years?

Our job as mesothelioma lawyers is to tell your story to twelve jury members. They will decide how much you and your family members deserve.

Read more to learn about what to expect during a mesothelioma lawsuit in Illinois.


Diagnosed with Mesothelioma?

Learn About the History of Asbestos in the U.S. (and How You were Exposed)

About 3,000 hardworking Americans are diagnosed with mesothelioma each year. Why? Because they were exposed to asbestos at their workplace decades ago. If you're one of these hardworking Americans, you deserve answers. In this book, you will learn about the history of asbestos in the U.S. and how big corporations put profits before their workers, resulting in the painful deaths of millions.


Illinois Mesothelioma Lawsuit Timeline: What to Expect

Illinois Mesothelioma LawsuitSome people may avoid filing lawsuits for mesothelioma. Some do it because they think lawsuits are stressful, and they don’t want to put that burden on their family members. Others think it won’t be worth the time.

In our experience, the benefits of pursuing a mesothelioma claim in Illinois outweigh the negatives by far.

Here’s why:

  1. If you hire the right mesothelioma law firm, you’ll have the stress taken off your shoulders. Hiring a lawyer means that you and your family can focus on your recovery, as opposed to your case. If you hired Shannon Law Group, our team would shoulder the burden of your lawsuit. We handle everything—from the initial investigation to the resolution of your case. We’ll even help with estate planning. And we’ll keep you updated the entire time.
  2. Your mesothelioma case may resolve faster than you think. The United States government and corporations already have asbestos trust funds in place specifically to compensate people like you. Therefore, some paths to mesothelioma may be faster than others.
  3. Thousands of American companies exposed people like you to asbestos for years, despite knowing the health problems it causes. They should be held accountable. These companies should pay compensation for putting you in this situation. Any financial compensation will help your family members in the future.

If you’re ready to contact a mesothelioma attorney, here’s a timeline of what you can expect during an Illinois lawsuit:

  1. Hiring an experienced Illinois mesothelioma lawyer. It’s important to hire an attorney in Illinois that has the experience and the drive to obtain the compensation you deserve. At Shannon Law Group, we’ve helped several mesothelioma patients and their families hold corporations accountable for exposing them to asbestos. We only take cases where we feel we can make a difference. When you hire us, your case won’t just be a number in our file; we’ll handle it as if it were our own family we were fighting for. Contact us for a free consultation to learn more.
  2. Investigating your case. After your hire the best mesothelioma law firm for you, their team of attorneys and support staff will begin investigating your claim. Our team at Shannon Law Group immediately requests any and all medical and employment records of our mesothelioma clients. We also identify all liable corporations and manufacturers who exposed them to asbestos.
  3. Filing civil lawsuits and/or trust fund claims. Once the responsible parties have been identified, your attorney will file a civil lawsuit on your behalf in the proper venue(s). These lawsuits function like product liability claims. The plaintiff must prove that the responsible parties are strictly liable for their asbestos-containing products which caused unreasonable harm to the victim.
    Many negligent companies have already established asbestos trust funds for mesothelioma victims. These trust funds are regulated by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and allow victims to pursue compensation without filing a lawsuit. The United States government also created a special program for veterans diagnosed with this cancer. Thousands of U.S. veterans were exposed to asbestos between 1930 and 1980. Your attorney will pursue these benefits if you qualify.  You can receive these benefits in addition to any compensation received from a mesothelioma settlement.
  4. Taking witness depositions. People battling aggressive cancers like mesothelioma may not survive in time for the case to resolve. That’s why it’s important to record the plaintiff’s deposition as soon as possible. This deposition gives the mesothelioma patient and their family members to tell their stories to the asbestos corporations. If asbestos exposure occurred at the workplace, your lawyer will also take any depositions of former coworkers.
  5. Resolving your mesothelioma case. Thousands of mesothelioma lawsuits resolve via settlement every year. At Shannon Law Group, we only settle a case for what you deserve, not what the asbestos manufacturer thinks you deserve. If a defendant refuses to make a fair offer, we will take your case to trial in Illinois.

How long do I have to file a mesothelioma lawsuit in Illinois?

After a mesothelioma diagnosis, you generally have two (2) years from the date of your diagnosis to file a lawsuit. If your loved one recently passed away from mesothelioma, you still have two years from the date of their diagnosis to file a wrongful death lawsuit. In other words, the clock to file a mesothelioma lawsuit doesn’t start ticking until you’re aware that exposure to asbestos thirty years ago contributed to your recent cancer diagnosis. In Illinois, this is called the “Discovery Rule.”

As a general rule of thumb, don’t wait until the last minute to file an asbestos lawsuit. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights.


Don’t Delay: Contact an Illinois Mesothelioma Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with mesothelioma, know this is not your fault. For decades, thousands of corporations and companies knew the dangers of asbestos—and exposed millions to it anyway. These negligent parties should be held accountable.

Take the next step in getting you and your family the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation by calling us at (312) 578-9501 or filling out the contact form at the bottom of this page. You can also text us at (312) 847-2428. We’ll discuss your options and explain how we can help you and your family move forward.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

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