Photo of injured worker filing a workers comp claim

After a work injury, it can be frustrating not knowing what comes next after filing a worker’s compensation claim. Medical bills start piling up, and you don’t know if you’re going to receive the benefits you were promised. What should you do next?

For over 30 years as a workers’ compensation lawyer, I have been handling these types of cases for injured workers in Illinois. In this article, I explain what to expect after filing a workers’ compensation claim. 

Here’s What to Expect After Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim in Illinois

So, you’ve filed your claim with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC). If they haven’t already, the IWCC will then issue notice to your employer that the claim has been filed. This notice memorializes what most employers often already know.

At this point, most employees have already reported their work-related injury to their employer. In turn, their employer has reported the claim to their workers’ compensation insurance carrier. Every employer in the state of Illinois is required to have workers’ compensation insurance. (There are a few very small exceptions to that rule.)

What happens if you hire a workers’ compensation lawyer?

You may be thinking about hiring an attorney to help you navigate your workers’ comp claim. You may worry, though, that a lawyer may contact your employer or another representative at your job.

The good news is that if you (as the injured worker) hire an attorney, your lawyer will seldom meet with any representative of the employer. Claims are handled through insurance adjusters, claim examiners or attorneys that are hired by the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier.

What are your benefits and rights under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act?

During the time you’re off work after being injured on the job, you should receive 2/3 of your wages tax-free. Moreover, you also have the right to see two doctors of your own choosing (and any physicians whom those doctors refer them to). Lastly, you’re entitled to payment of the medical bills incurred during those medical visits.

If you’d like to learn more about workers’ compensation benefits, check out this article.

Why should you hire a workers’ compensation attorney?

From the moment your employer reports the work-related injury to their insurance carrier, there are professionals at work representing the interests of the insurance company and your employer. Hiring an attorney to file your claim merely levels the playing field as you, the injured worker, have an advocate in your corner guaranteeing you’re receiving the benefits you’re entitled to. then has a professional informed advocate assuring that they obtain all the rights that they’re entitled to.

If you or someone you know has been injured at work and are unsure whether you’re receiving the benefits you need, feel free to contact us at (312) 578-9501.

At Shannon Law Group, we’re dedicated to helping injured workers get back on their feet after a serious injury on the job. Our attorneys offer free consultations. Book yours today! Give us a call or fill out the form below to get started. We’ll get back to you within 24 hours. 


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