Brachial Neuritis from Vaccine

When you go into the doctor’s office for the annual flu shot, you expect to leave protected from the disease, not with life-changing complications. One rare but possible side effect is brachial neuritis, also known as Parsonage-Turner syndrome, a form of neuropathy that affects the shoulders and arms. 

If you were diagnosed with brachial neuritis after a flu shot, you are not alone. Our team of vaccine injury attorneys helps people who have experienced brachial neuritis as a result of a vaccine. We accomplish this by getting compensation on their behalf from a unique federal program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

We offer free, no-obligation consultations for victims of brachial neuritis from the flu shot. Please call us at (312) 578-9501, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page, to schedule a free case review with one of our experienced vaccine injury attorneys

Keep reading to learn more about brachial neuritis symptoms and treatment following a flu shot. 

What Exactly is Brachial Neuritis? (And How Does the Influenza Vaccine Trigger It?) 

Brachial neuritis is a rare condition that is caused when the brachial plexus is damaged. The brachial plexus is the bundle of nerves that travels from the spinal cord to the chest, shoulder, arms, and hands. When this happens, people may experience pain or loss of function in these specific areas. 

The exact cause of this condition often is unknown. However, its symptoms tend to arise from other illnesses or injuries.  People have been known to develop brachial neuritis from a vaccine if it was improperly administered, such as injecting too high up on the shoulder or too deep. For this reason, brachial neuritis is a type of Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA). 

What Are Brachial Neuritis Symptoms To Watch Out For? 

Individuals who suffer from brachial neuritis due to SIRVA will experience severe pain over the next few following days. The symptoms from brachial neuritis are typically experienced in one side of the body, but in rare cases can be felt in both shoulders and arms. 

Brachial neuritis due to improper vaccine administration symptoms can include:

  • Severe pain in the upper arm or shoulder within 48 hours after vaccine administration
  • After a few hours or days, the pain transitions to weakness, limpness, or paralysis in the muscles of the affected arm or shoulder 
  • Lack of muscle control in the shoulder or arm 
  • Lack of sensation or feeling in the shoulder or arm 

For most individuals, symptoms aren’t usually permanent and may resolve anywhere between a few months to a few years after injury. 

How Is Brachial Neuritis Diagnosed? 

If a patient experiences the symptoms listed above, a doctor will most likely order an electromyography exam (EMG). An EMG consists of inserting tiny needles and sending small shock signals to the affected area, in order to study the extent and severity of possible nerve damage in the shoulder. 

What Are Common Treatments For Brachial Neuritis? 

Once a patient has received a brachial neuritis diagnosis, a doctor will recommend treatment for this condition. This will usually involve a prescription for certain pain medications or a dose of Prednisone, a type of steroid. A doctor may also suggest starting physical therapy in order to help rehabilitate the weakened arm and shoulder. In some very rare cases, surgery may be required to repair the brachial plexus. 

How to Get Compensation for Brachial Neuritis from a Vaccine 

If you believe a vaccine has caused your brachial neuritis diagnosis, please contact a vaccine injury attorney as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation from a federal program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. 

To learn more about the VICP and how it works, download your free copy of our vaccine injury attorney Jonathan Svitak’s book, Understanding the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Click here to download the book. 

Call us today at (312) 578-9501 to schedule your free consultation with one of our vaccine injury lawyers. Your time may be limited to file for compensation for your brachial neuritis vaccine injury. . You can also contact us below. We look forward to speaking with you!

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