Photo of a chalkboard with CIDP written on it

Several American lives are saved every year thanks to the annual flu shot. But a small number of Americans have their lives changed from experiencing rare but serious side effects from the flu vaccine. One of these side effects is chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). While CIDP can happen to anyone, it’s more common in adults, affecting men more than women.

If you were diagnosed with CIDP, you are not alone. Our team of vaccine injury attorneys helps people who have experienced CIDP as a result of a vaccine. We accomplish this by getting compensation on their behalf from a unique federal program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

We offer free, no-obligation consultations for victims of CIDP from the flu shot. Please call us at (312) 578-9501, or fill out the form at the bottom of this page, to schedule a free case review with one of our experienced vaccine injury attorneys.

Keep reading to learn more about chronic demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and how it can be triggered by the flu vaccine.


What is Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)? And How Does the Flu Vaccine Cause It?

CIDP is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune cells attack the nervous system. It’s caused when the myelin sheath becomes damaged. The myelin sheath wraps around the peripheral nerves in your spine. Many health care experts consider it to be a more chronic form of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), which is another autoimmune disorder with similar symptoms.

What exactly triggers CIDP is unknown, but some studies have shown that people sometimes develop it within days or weeks after receiving a seasonal flu shot.  

What Are the Symptoms of CIDP?

The first symptoms of CIDP typically start around 4 weeks after receiving the flu vaccine. They have a slow onset and continue to progress gradually.

Common symptoms for early CIDP stages include:

  • Tingling and numbness starting in your hands and feet. The sensation often travels up to the hips, shoulders, arms, and legs. 
  • Sudden fatigue
  • Burning sensation in your extremities
  • Clumsiness or difficulty walking
  • Difficulty Swallowing

More severe complications of this autoimmune disorder are:

  • Loss of feeling or paralysis in extremities
  • Loss of reflexes
  • Impairments in motor functions
  • Loss of the ability to walk

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please seek medical treatment immediately.


What treatment options are available for CIDP?

When it comes to treatment for CIDP, there are three main treatments often prescribed by doctors:

  • Corticosteroids. Inexpensive and taken by mouth, these medications are similar to the anti-inflammatory hormones in the human body. They often improve the user’s strength, but their side effects make them ineffective for long-term treatment.
  • High-dose Intravenous Immune Globulins (IVIG). IVIG is given through a vein over the course of a few hours, giving the patient natural antibodies obtained from healthy donors. 
  • Plasma Exchange. This treatment involves a process in which the patient’s blood is removed and separated. The red blood cells are returned and the plasma portion, which is thought to have harmful antibodies, is discarded. 

Make sure to consult with your physician before undergoing any medical treatment.


Pursuing Compensation for CIDP

If you believe a vaccine has caused your CIDP diagnosis, please contact a vaccine injury attorney as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation through a federal program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. 

This program offers a no-fault alternative to a civil lawsuit. It’s a way for your to receive compensation without having to sue your doctor or pharmaceutical companies. 

To learn more about the VICP and how it works, download your free copy of our vaccine injury attorney Jonathan Svitak’s book, “Understanding the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.” Click here to download the book. 


Schedule Your Free Consultation For CIDP After A Flu Shot

If you believe you have suffered CIDP from a flu vaccine, please call us today at  (312) 578-9501 to speak with one of our vaccine injury lawyers. You can also contact us below. Our consultations are always free. We look forward to speaking with you!

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