photo of a gavel and car accidentBefore the accident, you didn’t wake up and think to yourself, “I’m going to get into a car crash today.” And like most people, you may not have been budgeting for the expenses that come with it. Accidents can be expensive when you factor in car repairs, medical bills, and lost time at work. How can you afford all of this, especially when it wasn’t even your fault to begin with?

If you’re reading this article, you’re likely looking for a car accident lawyer near you to help resolve your claim. But before you contact them, you want to know, “How much will it cost?”

On this page, we detail everything you need to know about hiring an attorney for your car accident case, including:

  • How much they cost?
  • When should you hire one?
  • What should you expect financially when you hire one?

If this situation sounds familiar, you’re not alone. At Shannon Law Group, we have helped hundreds of people like you receive the compensation that they deserve from negligent parties following a bad auto crash. Our experienced car accident attorneys offer free consultations, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule one today. Simply give us a call at (312) 578-9501 to get started. You can also fill out the form on this page, and we’ll get back to you within 1 business day. 

Otherwise, keep reading to learn just how much a lawyer costs after your car accident. 

How Much Do Attorneys Charge for Car Accident Claims?

When it comes to hiring a lawyer, people may think about what they’ve heard from loved ones or their own experience. They probably picture paying a pretty penny for a lawyer’s time by the hour. Indeed, attorneys who charge an hourly rate can send bills that can easily add up to thousands of dollars by the time their case is resolved. 

It’s true that some lawyers, such as estate planning attorneys or criminal defense lawyers, charge an hourly fee for their services.

However, car accident attorneys do things differently. They charge a contingency fee percentage to resolve your auto accident claim. If your claim resolves, they will receive a percentage of your compensation, as stated in the representation agreement. Your attorney will also cover any additional costs associated with the case, such as filing fees, investigation costs, and medical record costs. These costs are typically reimbursed when your case resolves. While your car accident claim is pending, you will not pay a dime for anything the attorney does throughout the case.

What is a Contingency Fee Percentage?

So, how much does a lawyer get out of a settlement? 

As we said above, attorneys who work on car accidents are paid via a contingency fee. A contingency fee essentially runs on the idea of, “We don’t get paid unless you get paid.” Essentially, at the start of the case, you agree to pay the attorney a percentage of the compensation they secure on your behalf.  If they fail to resolve you claim, you typically won’t owe them any money for their time or costs. 

What percentage of the settlement do personal injury attorneys typically take?

After your case comes to resolution, your attorney is owed a certain percentage of whatever is recovered. This percentage often ranges between 25% to 40%. Fees may vary depending on if your case was resolved early via settlement negotiations or later during trial. Trying your case in front of a jury takes a lot more time and energy, as opposed to resolving your case before trial. 

As always, make sure to read everything before you sign a fee agreement. When you’re ready to hire a car accident attorney, it’s important to read over the whole representation agreement carefully, especially the section on contingency fees.

Will Car Accident Lawyers Bill Me for Case Costs?

Any costs associated with your claim will be deducted from your award at the end of your case. Examples of these costs include:

  • Investigation costs
  • Medical record acquisition costs
  • Expert witnesses
  • Court costs
  • Postage and mailing costs

At Shannon Law Group, we don’t charge our clients for postage or mailing costs. 

Should I get a lawyer for a minor car accident?

We often get calls from those who were in a minor accident and are looking for the necessary help to get the compensation they rightly deserve. However, what a lot of people don’t realize is that there’s a difference between a minor car accident and a major one.

If there was just property damage and you weren’t injured, you likely don’t need an attorney. However, if you were injured, you may need an attorney down the road if your symptoms don’t go away. For example, some people initially experience whiplash and a concussion after minor accidents. They may then develop back problems like herniated discs or a brain injury down the road

But if your symptoms resolve quickly and don’t return, you likely don’t need an attorney to settle your car accident claim. While you may not need an attorney to help settle your claim, we know it can still be a difficult process to navigate alone.

If you find yourself in this situation, we wrote a book just for you. It’s called How To Settle Your Own Auto Accident Claim in Illinois. It details how to go through the process of successfully resolving your own claim after an auto accident. 

If you’d like a free copy of our book, text “SETTLE” to (312) 847-2428, and we will send you a free copy–no questions asked! You can also request a digital copy here. 

When should I get an attorney for a car accident?

If you were in an accident that wasn’t your fault and you were injured, you should contact a reputable car accident attorney near you as soon as possible. Why? 

The sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner you have someone advocating for your case. You see, from the moment of the crash, the other driver’s insurance company is on the scene. They’re building their file and gathering evidence. You deserve to have someone on your side doing that, too.

Your car accident attorney will also help shoulder the stress of handling your claim, so you can focus on getting better. When you hire an attorney, they also deal with the insurance companies and other legal representatives. 

Talk to an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you have recently been in a car accident, you are not alone. At Shannon Law Group, our experienced auto accident attorneys have already helped many like yourself. They’re ready to advocate for you to get the compensation you deserve following a car crash. Our lawyers always offer free consultations. Please fill out the form on this page or give us a call at (312) 578-9501 to schedule yours today.

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