MMR Vaccine


The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that children receive the first dose of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine at around 12 to 15 months. After this, they should receive the second dose between 4 to 6 years of age. Although most people receive this vaccine when they’re children, any teen or adult can get doses of the vaccine if they have yet to get them. 

Sometimes, in rare cases, after a dose of the MMR vaccine, patients can experience a rash, abnormal bruising, or bleeding. This is a sign of Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP), a blood disorder where platelets drop below normal levels. ITP after an MMR vaccine can happen to anyone, including children and adults. However, it’s been documented that women are more likely to develop this disease more than men.

If you are currently experiencing ITP because of a vaccine, we are here to help you. Call us at (312) 578-9501 to schedule a free consultation with one of our vaccine injury lawyers. Our team helps people like you every day petition for compensation from a no-fault government program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). 

Otherwise, keep reading to learn more about Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura and the MMR Vaccine.

What is ITP (Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura)? 

When a vaccine is administered, the body will create antibodies that will fight the virus being injected and learn how to fight it off if it ever is in the person’s immune system again. However, ITP happens when the immune system creates antibodies that start attacking itself. 

As mentioned before, ITP is a blood disorder. This condition happens because the antibodies created from the response of the MMR vaccine attack the blood cells in the body. In turn, this attack leads to a decreased blood platelet count, which causes the body not to clot properly when bleeding. 

What are the symptoms of Thrombocytopenia Purpura? 

Due to the nature of ITP, people can expect to experience various symptoms that revolve around unusual bleeding and their blood not clotting properly. Most symptoms are mild, and nothing to worry about. However, in rare cases, there are some that should be a cause of concern.

The symptoms people can experience include:

  • Bleeding under the skin
  • Bruising easily
  • Nosebleeds or bleeding gums 
  • Unusually heavy menstrual flow in women
  • Bleeding in the brain (in rare cases)

Can vaccines cause ITP?

Yes. As discussed previously in the article, the MMR vaccine is known to trigger ITP for some. The coronavirus vaccine has also been reported to cause this condition. 

What Are Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura Treatment Options? 

Children diagnosed with ITP usually don’t need treatment, as it resolves itself. ITP in adults is often long-term and will need treatment for the disease. Regardless of age, if symptoms are persistent, please seek medical attention immediately. 

According to Johns Hopkins, the course of treatment will depend on the individual’s severity of the disease and personal expectations for treatment. Here is a list of ITP treatment options: 

  • Steroids. Steroids are used to decrease the rate of bleeding by lowering the amounts of platelets destroyed. If successful, patients will have higher platelet counts after 2-3 weeks.
  • Intravenous gamma globulin (IVGG). This treatment adds a protein into the blood that also helps lower platelet destruction. IVGG works faster than steroids (24-48 hours).
  • Splenectomy. This is an option for those with a more severe and chronic ITP diagnosis. The spleen is one of the most common sites for platelet destruction; thus, removing it will lower destruction rates. 
  • Platelet transfusion. Those with severe bleeding, or about to start surgery, may undergo platelet transfusion in order to restore blood and help clot bleeding in the future.

Compensation Is Available for ITP Caused By Vaccines

Experiencing ITP can be stressful, but know that you are not alone. Our team of compassionate vaccine injury lawyers can help you file for compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). If you believe your ITP diagnosis was due to a vaccine, call us today to schedule a free and no-obligation consultation at 312-578-9501, or fill out the contact us form on the page. 

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