Photo of Rear-End Accident


When you leave your house to run some errands or go to work, you’re probably not planning on getting rear-ended–but it happens every day. Even if you’ve been in a car accident before, getting rear-ended can be terrifying because you’re not expecting it. After the initial crash, handling your auto accident claim alone can be daunting. Working with the insurance company is often confusing, and there’s not exactly a handbook on what to do next. 

If you need help after a rear-end accident in Illinois, we wrote this article for you. We know that the weeks and months following a rear-end collision can be a hard and confusing time, so we wanted to help people struggling with an insurance claim after getting rear-ended. 

Attorney Joseph Shannon even wrote a book to help people who find themselves in this situation. It’s called How to Settle Your Own Car Accident Claim in Illinois. To get your free copy, text “SETTLE” to 312-847-2428. We’ll send it to you, no questions asked. 

If you want to learn more about what to do after getting rear-ended, keep reading. 

I was rear-ended. Should I get a lawyer? 

If you were not injured in the rear-end collision, it’s unlikely you will need to hire an attorney. However, if you were injured to some degree, it’s best you consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to explore your options. 

In Illinois, people who are injured in rear-end collisions generally have a two-year deadline to file a lawsuit against the other party. This is called the statute of limitations. If you wait past this deadline, you may be unable to recover compensation for any losses and damages you experienced as a result of the collision. 

To determine whether you need a lawyer depends on the facts of your case. If you’re wondering whether to hire a lawyer after a rear-end accident, it costs nothing to schedule a consultation with one of our compassionate attorneys. We’ll point you in the right direction. Call now at (312) 578-9501 to get started.

What to Do After a Rear-End Collision in Illinois

After a car accident, it’s easy to get wrapped up in everything that’s happening. It’s a scary and emotional situation. But it’s important to remember these three key steps afterward so that you can recover as much compensation as possible from your case:  

1. File a report with the police, if you haven’t already. 

Initially, right after the crash, it’s important to call the police so that you can give a statement of what happened. This report is an official document that explains you were involved in the car accident and how the crash occurred. Without it, it’s not only hard to prove you were in the accident, but also that someone else caused it. 

If you don’t talk to the police while at the scene, you have 10 days to file a police report in Illinois. 

What’s included in the police report? Here’s what you can expect to see on it: 

  • The place where the accident occurred;
  • The date and time of the accident;
  • Details of the damage to any vehicles involved and how the crash occurred;
  • Any injuries that drivers or passengers sustained;
  • Statements from any witnesses or other drivers  

After the officer takes your statement and files the report, you should get a copy of the Illinois Traffic Crash Report for your own records, as well as to send it to your insurance company. 

It’s also should be noted that according to Illinois state law (Illinois Statute Chapter 625 Vehicles § 5/11-406) says that if either of the following occurred you must report the accident to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT): 

  • The accident resulted in bodily injury or death of either party
  • The accident resulted in property damage exceeding $1,500

The crash must be reported to IDOT within 10 days of the date of the accident. However, this report can be filed by several people such as the crash victim, the owner of the vehicle, or their insurance agent. It can be completed and submitted on the IDOT website. Failure to comply with this law may result in the suspension of your driver’s license.

2. Seek treatment if you’re injured. 

If you sustained an injury from the crash, seek treatment immediately. Your health and wellbeing come first. Going to your doctor will also demonstrate your injuries and course of care for them. These documents will be used to show the court and insurance companies how the collision impacted your life–physically, financially, and emotionally. 

3. Consult with a rear-end accident attorney. 

An experienced Chicago car accident attorney will help guide you on how to best handle your case. It’s important to understand your situation as best as you can from a legal perspective so that you can get the compensation you deserve. 

At Shannon Law Group, we’ve handled many serious rear-end accident cases, especially those involving commercial motor vehicles. We can help you navigate your claim and answer any questions you have. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. 

Common Causes of Rear-End Car Accidents 

A rear-end accident typically happens when two cars are slowing down and coming to a stop. But how does this happen? Let’s look at a few of the most common causes of rear-end accidents: 

  • Distracted driving. This can happen whether a driver is texting, talking on the phone, or even eating. Regardless of what they’re doing, they’re not paying attention to the main task at hand: driving. While slowing down, distracted drivers may not realize the distance between your car and theirs, or see that they have to slow down at all.
  • Tailgating. One of the most common reasons that a rear-end collision occurs is because the second driver is driving too close to the car in front of them. With the lack of distance between the two, the second driver doesn’t have enough time or space to react when the first driver brakes. 
  • Weather Conditions (like snow or rain). Weather can affect road conditions quickly. Rain, snow, and ice can make roads hard to traverse. The pavement may become slippery, making it difficult to drive. Dangerous road conditions increase the chances of rear-end accidents. It’s important to drive with extra caution in inclement weather conditions.  
  • Impaired Driving. Unfortunately, people still get behind the wheel while under the influence of various substances. Intoxication can lead to slow reaction times from the driver, making it difficult for them to properly operate the car.
  • Speeding. Speeding is another common cause of rear-end collisions. Rear-end crashes caused by speeding are often more serious due to the force of impact. Both parties may sustain serious injuries from these types of accidents. 
  • Fatigued driving. Tired drivers will have slower reaction times, just like inebriated drivers. As a result, they may rear-end another vehicle. 

Injuries Caused by Rear-End Crashes

We hope that if anyone is in a rear-end accident, they walk away without any injuries. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. The severity of the sustained injuries often depends on how serious the crash was. 

Listed below are a range of injuries that someone might experience if they’re rear-ended:

  • Whiplash and neck injuries. A driver may experience whiplash when the impact causes their neck to go back and forth. This injury can cause pain in the neck and shoulders and is typically treated by ice and over-the-counter pain medicine. Additionally, your neck may experience pain and injury due to the impact.  
  • Broken bones and bone fractures. When a collision happens, your body absorbs some of the impact. As a result, broken bones and fractures can occur. The most common bones broken in rear-end accidents are leg and pelvic bones. 
  • Back Injuries, including herniated discs. Herniated discs are more common in rear-end collisions than any other car accident because of the sudden force from the impact from behind. Herniated discs may require physical therapy or surgery in order to manage symptoms.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBIs). Upon impact, the brain can be injured while slamming into the skull. This can lead to swelling or even bleeding of the brain. Brain injuries can last anywhere from months to years. Sometimes, traumatic brain injuries never fully heal. TBIs can cause physical, cognitive, and emotional impairment. 
  • Paralysis. In serious crashes, paralysis can happen if the sudden impact damages the spine and spinal cord. This paralysis can either be temporary or permanent depending on the severity of the spinal injury.
  • Death. While rear-end collisions are common, a fatality as a result of this type of crash is rare. They do, however, still happen, especially if one of the drivers is pushed into another vehicle in front of them. 

When should I contact a rear-end car accident lawyer? 

If you were recently in a rear-end accident and you sustained injuries, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Why? Your injury may have a long-term impact on your life. 

But the insurance company may not offer you a fair amount for the damages you sustained. They will try to nickel and dime you so that they keep more money in their pocket. 

When you hire an attorney like the ones at Shannon Law Group, they become your advocate. They make sure you get the compensation you need to move forward with your life. 

How much should a rear-end collision settlement be?

Every case is different. Even similar cases with similar injuries may have different results. Generally, the value of your case depends on the extent of your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, pain, and more. 

One of our compassionate attorneys would be happy to discuss your case with you. Please contact us today to schedule your free consultation. 

Who Is At Fault in a Rear-End Accident Case? 

Determining fault in a rear-end accident isn’t as cut and dry as it may seem. 

Illinois law presumes that the driver from behind who rear-ended the other driver is at fault. However, this isn’t always the case. In rare cases, it can be found that the front driver was causing a hazard that led to the collision. 

That’s why it’s important to speak to an experienced attorney who can investigate the accident and determine who was at fault based on the facts and evidence of the crash. 

Speak with a Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you recently were in a car accident in Illinois, our team of experienced car accident attorneys is here to help you! Contact us today by either filling out the contact form or giving us a call at (312) 578-9501. We offer free and no-obligation consultations. 

You can also download our book, “How To Settle Your Own Auto Accident Claim in Illinois,” here. Attorney Joseph Shannon wrote this book to help you understand how to navigate and resolve your claim successfully.  


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