Lawyer at Roundup cancer lawsuit hearing

In June, Bayer – the agrochemical company that produces Roundup weedkiller – agreed to terms that would settle a large portion of the pending claims against Monsanto. Bayer had purchased Monsanto, Roundup’s original producer, in 2018. The terms call for more than $11 billion to be dispersed amongst certain claimants.

Bayer Roundup settlement discussions come to a halt

However, the settlement has hit a significant roadblock as attorneys for some plaintiffs allege that Bayer has recently gone back on its settlement. At a hearing addressing the issue, the judge overseeing the multi-district litigation cases in San Francisco chastised Bayer for their “shenanigans” and has scheduled a status conference next month to decide whether to set more cases for trial or to keep the cases paused while settlement conferences continue.

Plaintiff’s attorneys are requesting that the judge allow more cases to move to trial. According to the lawyers representing Roundup consumers, Bayer either offered a settlement that they had no authority to offer or they have outright reneged on their previous offer. Bayer very obviously does not want any other trials to proceed. Each time a jury has been presented with the medical evidence showing how Roundup causes or contributes to non-Hodgkins lymphoma, the jury has found a causal connection.

Worse for Bayer, juries in California have levied massive damages against the German giant – each being more than $75 million. In fact, in one trial, the jury awarded the plaintiff more than $2 billion. A large portion of that $2 billion verdict consisted of punitive damages. Punitive damages intended to punish the defendant for its conduct and to discourage the conduct from other companies in the future.

At our firm, we are continuing to push our Roundup clients’ cases towards trial. In our experience, a trial is the best, and often the only way to force companies into making fair and reasonable settlement offers. We look forward to providing our clients with their day in court against Roundup.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma after significant Roundup exposure, it is worth talking to one of our Roundup attorneys to discuss your legal options. Call us today at (312) 578-9501 for a free consultation. 

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