SIRVA from HPV shot

You have recently got an HPV vaccine. It’s been a few days, and your arm is still sore. You’re not surprised though, you’ve heard how it really hurt your friends or family when they received it.

But the shoulder pain you’re experiencing really hurts, and it keeps getting worse over the next weeks and months. 

You take Ibuprofen regularly to get some relief. It doesn’t really help, though. Your arm and shoulder are in constant pain, especially when doing everyday tasks. You’re losing function of your arm and shoulder. 

If you’re currently experiencing these symptoms, it’s probably more than a sore shoulder. It could be SIRVA, or shoulder injury related to vaccine administration.

SIRVA is a rare side effect of HPV vaccines when they’re injected improperly.  

While it’s never fun to learn you have a serious injury from a vaccine, there’s hope. A nationwide program exists called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) which offers compensation to those suffering from HPV vaccine injuries. 

If you’re interested in learning more and taking the next steps, our SIRVA lawyers are here to help you. Give us a call now to schedule your free consultation: 312-578-9501.

Otherwise, keep reading below and learn more about how SIRVA from the HPV vaccine happens, SIRVA symptoms, and treatment options. 

How Long Is Your Arm Sore After an HPV Vaccine? 

Shoulder pain after the HPV vaccine is common. It should go away after a week, two at the maximum.

But in rare cases, your shoulder pain actually gets worse over weeks and months. If this sounds familiar, you may have SIRVA.

A shoulder injury from the HPV vaccine can happen the vaccination if given too high in your shoulder or too deeply.

As a result, your shoulder muscles, tendons, and ligaments can become inflamed, causing damage to the components of your shoulder joint.

Several shoulder injuries can happen due to an improperly given injection. These conditions include frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), rotator cuff injuries, shoulder bursitis, shoulder tendinitis, and shoulder impingement syndrome. 

If you’re concerned about possibly having a shoulder injury from an HPV vaccine, here are SIRVA symptoms you should be on the lookout for:

  • Shoulder pain within 48 hours progressively gets worse.
  • Reduced range of motion. 
  • Pain and tenderness on top of your shoulder. 
  • Shoulder and/or arm weakness and stiffness. 

If you suspect your arm is hurting longer than usual from a vaccine, seek medical help as soon as you can.

How to Get a SIRVA Diagnosis After a Gardasil Shot

So, you make an appointment with your doctor. What can you expect from your visit?

First, your doctor will examine your injured shoulder. An MRI should also be ordered, as it is the best way to get a picture of what is happening in your shoulder. 

After tests are done, you may most be get diagnosed with one of the possible injuries we listed earlier, such as a frozen shoulder or rotator cuff injury. 

Common SIRVA Treatment Methods

You finally have a diagnosis for your shoulder injury. Now, you can finally start recovering. 

When your doctor first diagnoses you, they will create a treatment plan. This plan should detail everything you will be doing to protect your shoulder and get it back to normal. 

While there are many injuries associated with SIRVA, they are all typically treated the same way.

These treatments are often a combination of the following:

  • Rest. 
  • Over-the-counter or prescription pain medication.
  • Physical therapy. 
  • Steroid injections. 
  • Surgery. 

Rest and pain medication are the first steps in most SIRVA treatment plans.

If that doesn’t work, your doctor may recommend physical therapy and steroid injections. Physical therapy helps regain your range of motion and use of your arm that was lost. It also helps preserve what remains. Your doctor may also recommend steroid shots to help reduce inflammation in your shoulder. 

Lastly, in very rare situations, surgery may be recommended. Surgery is recommended when other treatment options haven’t worked. 

Is SIRVA from the HPV Shot Permanent? 

Yes, and no.

In general, SIRVA is not permanent. However, it’s important to know that each case of SIRVA is unique.

For some people, their SIRVA symptoms go away on their own without treatment after a few months. Other times, it can take months or even years for their shoulder pain to subside. And while it’s very rare, SIRVA may never go away. 

Your recovery depends on how quickly and effectively your treatment is. That’s why we urge people to see a doctor as soon as they suspect that something is wrong. 

Diagnosed with a Shoulder Injury from an HPV Vaccine? Our SIRVA Lawyers Can Help.

Our SIRVA attorneys at Shannon Law Group, P.C. can help you and your family recover financially and emotionally following a shoulder injury from an HPV vaccine. How? By filing a petition on your behalf in a unique federal program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

We help those like yourself who have been injured by a vaccine across all 50 states.

The VICP has a strict set of guidelines for petitioners, including:

  1. You must have received the vaccine within the last 3 years.   
  2. You must have received a covered vaccine. A full list of covered vaccines can be found here. The most common vaccines include the flu shot, HPV vaccine, tetanus shot, and MMR vaccine.
  3. Lastly, you must have experienced side effects for at least 6 months to be eligible for said compensation.

Assuming you meet these criteria, you are eligible for compensation in the VICP.

So, what compensation is available to you? There are four kinds of compensation:

  • Pain and suffering (up to $250,000)
  • Lost wages (including future wages)
  • Past out-of-pocket medical expenses
  • Future medical needs

If you want a more in-depth explanation of compensation from the VICP, read our past article here.

The program also covers attorney’s fees so when we file a petition on your behalf it’s of no cost to you. 

So, if you’re ready to take the next step in recovery from your vaccine injury, give us a call today and one of our compassionate vaccine injury attorneys will be there to speak with you. We can be reached 24/7 at 312-578-9501 or fill out the form on this page.

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