Vaccine Injuries - Blog Posts

Learn more about vaccine injuries with our helpful blog posts. Here, our experienced injury attorneys share their thoughts on the latest news and information about what constitutes a vaccine injury, how to pursue a case in claims court, and more.

How to Prove Shoulder Injury from Vaccination

How to Prove a SIRVA Injury (and Get Compensation in the VICP)

  You did what you were supposed to do: You got a vaccine, and now your shoulder won’t stop hurting. It keeps you up at night, tossing and turning. Your shoulder pain has only gotten worse in the past few weeks and months. Simple tasks like picking up your child or getting dressed are now…
SIRVA Diagnosis

SIRVA Isn’t a Diagnosis: 5 Vaccine Shoulder Injuries You Should Know

When getting a vaccine, a patient may experience a rare side effect known as SIRVA, which stands for Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration. It can happen when a medical professional administers a vaccine too high or too deeply into the shoulder. The misplaced vaccination can hit a nerve or penetrate the shoulder capsule, causing…
Signs of GBS After Flu Shot

Symptoms of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) After a Flu Shot

  You got your flu shot, just like you always do. But after a week or two, you start feeling weird. You have trouble chewing and swallowing at meals, your vision seems a bit off, and your hands and feet start feeling like pins and needles.  You start searching your symptoms on the Internet, and…
Impingement Syndrome from Flu Shot

Impingement Syndrome (Swimmer’s Shoulder) from Flu Shot

Every year, you make the decision to get vaccinated against the flu. Sometimes, your shoulder is sore for a few days, and it goes away. This time, you experience intense shoulder pain and tenderness. It hurts to put your seatbelt on or grab a glass out of the cabinet. Over time, you lose the ability…
GBS patient in hospital

Is Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) from the Flu Shot Permanent?

There are many benefits to getting the annual flu shot, including increased immunity to different influenza virus variants. In most cases, you’ll experience no serious or long-lasting side effects.  However, there are a handful of severe reactions from the seasonal flu vaccine you should know. One of these possible side effects is GBS, also known…
Photo of a doctor and patient evaluating shoulder pain

What SIRVA Treatment Options Are Available?

Each year, many people in the United States will elect to receive at least one vaccine, if not more. Of these people, a very small percentage will experience some adverse side effects such as shoulder pain that seem a bit more persistent and severe than usual. Their arm may be more swollen, and their shoulder…
Vaccine Injury

Answering Your Most Frequently Asked Vaccine Injury Questions

At Shannon Law Group, we receive calls every day from people across the United States who have suffered an adverse reaction or injury to a vaccination. That why we compiled this list of the top ten frequently asked questions regarding vaccine injury compensation. Feel free to share this guide with friends, family, and other people…
Sudden Fainting After Vaccine

Fainting After Vaccination: It’s Called Vasovagal Syncope

Many people are given vaccines annually. Most won’t experience side effects. However, there is a small number of people who will.  Fainting after vaccination is just one vaccine injury that can happen. This condition is called vasovagal syncope. This reaction can be triggered when the body’s blood pressure suddenly drops and the brain is deprived…
Photo of vaccination

What are the Most Common SIRVA Symptoms?

Did you know? People can get serious shoulder injuries from vaccines. But how does this happen?  SIRVA stands for Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration. SIRVA injuries occur when a vaccination is injected too high or too deeply into the shoulder. When a vaccine’s needle is misplaced, it may penetrate the shoulder capsule instead of…
Patient exercising with doctor

What SIRVA Exercises Help Relieve Shoulder Pain?

On rare occasions, after receiving a vaccine, people may experience what is called a “Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration,” also known as SIRVA. When experiencing SIRVA, common symptoms include intense shoulder pain and decreased range of motion. This condition can be difficult to deal with for the patient. It not only causes shoulder pain,…