Workers’ Comp - Blog Posts

Man with back injury

Spine-Chilling Back Injury Statistics and Warnings

A back injury is the top cause of job related disability. There are more than 1 million back injuries sustained in the workplace annually. As a whole, back injuries account for 20% of all illnesses and injuries in the workplace. Eighty percent of adults are estimated to experience a back injury in their lifetime. About…
photo of a healthcare worker in PPE

Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Amends the Rules on COVID-19

On April 27, the Illinois Worker’s Compensation Commission (IWCC) to withdrew an emergency evidentiary rule regarding COVID-19. However, this decision does not restrict a worker’s rights to file a claim. It simply changes the burden of proof when you file the case. Earlier in April, I wrote about the IWCC passing an evidentiary rule on the…
photo of home construction

Follow These Safety Tips During Your Next Home Construction Project

Spring is here, and many of us have more time on our hands than we expected due to the COVID-19 outbreak.  The combination of the two means that you may begin home construction projects.  At the Shannon Law Group, we’ve helped people suffering from devastating (and sometimes fatal) injuries from construction accidents over the years. …
photo of construction tools

COVID-19’s Impact on the Construction Industry

During the COVID-19 crisis, millions of construction workers are working on job sites, while others are not. The construction industry is trying to balance performing essential services and taking measures to avoid spreading the disease. In February alone, 7.6 million Americans worked a construction job. In New York, construction workers are still working on skyscraping…
photo of a healthcare worker in PPE

Update: COVID-19 Exposure Cases and Workers’ Compensation in Illinois

Last month, we explored if you could file a workers’ compensation claim in Illinois if you get coronavirus at work. Now, we have confirmation from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC) that many professions will be covered if they are exposed to COVID-19 at work. Keep reading to find if you may be entitled to…
Workers at construction site

What is OSHA (and Does It Matter if My Employer Violates Its Rules)?

When we meet with a construction worker who has been injured on the job, we want to know which company or contractor had a responsibility to keep him safe. Construction accidents happen when safety rules are broken. Who makes the rules? More often than not, the construction worker can’t answer that question. Before he was…
photo of a worker with a mask on

If I get coronavirus at work, can I file an Illinois workers’ compensation case?

The coronavirus outbreak has spread throughout the United States, including the state of Illinois. While Illinois is currently under a stay-at-home order, many essential businesses continue to operate to keep the production line going. What happens, though, if you’re exposed and get coronavirus from your workplace in Illinois? In this article, I explore whether Illinois…